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Eligibility Criteria


If you are:

  • From a Black, Asian or other minoritised community;

  • An exisiting Non Executive Director or Chair in the NHS or wider NHS health system (if you are a NED in a different sector such as Education and/or work for the NHS in another capacity e.g. Nurse / Pharmacist, you are NOT eligible)

        please complete the membership form below.  You do not need to join the subscribers list too.


If you are not eligible but would like to keep up to date, then please join our subscribers list  

Working Groups: Members are asked to participate in at least one of our working groups. Please select your preferred choice:
The Seacole Group is for existing NEDs on NHS Boards from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds. Please confirm that this applies to you

Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch.

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