Understanding Race Equality in the Health Sector
Did you know
76% doctors and medical students surveyed by the BMJ said they had been subjected to at least one incident of racist behaviour in the past two years, with 17% stating they experienced it regularly.
Of those who had experienced racism, 71% told the survey that they had chosen not to report the incident either out of fear of being labelled a ‘trouble-maker’ or due to lack of confidence that adequate action would be taken.
14% said that they had considered leaving their jobs with 6% electing to leave their positions in the past two years owing to racial discrimination.
The World Economic Forum says Racism poses a public health threat to millions worldwide. Here's How

Race Equality 2.0:
A programme for race equality at NHS Providers
The Race Equality programme supports boards to effectively identify and challenge race inequality as a core part of the board’s business by:
building personal awareness and understanding of racial justice/anti-racism
increasing confidence and capability to proactively challenge the impact of structural racism and seek out opportunities to advance race equality
sharing learning on accountability mechanisms to ensure progress is made and sustained with a focus on outcomes
The Seacole Group is proud to be working in partnership with NHS Providers on this agenda. Read more about their work on race equality ​
Other Resources from NHS Providers

Tim Orchard is a consultant physician and gastroenterologist and Chief Executive of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust which provides acute and specialist healthcare in North West London for around a million and a half people every year. In this episode of Voices of Care, Tim Orchard talks to our host, Suhail Mirza, about the importance of job satisfaction and attention to health and wellbeing within the workforce, and how vital it is to ensure that everyone is offered the same career progression opportunities.
Voices of Care - Tim Orchard

Seacole Group member Selina Ullah is chair of Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. In this podcast, she discusses how strength in diversity in the NHS can benefit staff and patients and the contribution that white allies can make to push change for race equality in the health and social care sector.
Provider Podcast - Selina Ullah

NHS England's (NHSE) head of inclusive system development Tracie Jolliff shares the work she has been leading in developing the Building Leadership for Inclusion programme (BLFI) and how the pilot evaluation has aided her learnings in this work.
Eniola Oladipo can also be heard discussing the role of leaders in creating psychologically safe environments and supporting staff equality, as well as the learnings she's discovered when implementing cross-sector staff networks.
Provider Podcast - Tracie Joliff